Saturday, February 9, 2013

then I became a Disney princess

Two weeks ago I got a horrible sore throat, but I was convinced it wasn't strep because I'd had that a few months earlier and this was completely different. I got my medical degree from WebMd so I am qualified to perform a self diagnosis, in case you were concerned.

A week later I still have a sore throat, but now my voice is starting to sound like a busted stereo speaker -- cracking, popping, coming and going.*

Then by Friday last week I had no voice.

Still I didn't go to the doctor.

And by Monday evening I had my voice back!

WebMD saved the day and me a copay.

That joy lasted all of 2 days.

Wednesday it felt like my throat was made of lava and I was back to sounding like a busted stereo so I finally sucked it up and went to see my doctor. (who isn't a sea witch)

I was put on 5 days of vocal rest and antibiotics to treat residual strep throat -- that's a thing, I had no idea.

Then my doctor said that if after the antibiotic cycle I'm still not better I get the ENT referral so that doctor can stick a tube down my throat and I'll get to make this announcement:

So for now I'm channeling my inner Ariel and working the no voice thing. Wonder if I'll find my prince this week.

*my coworker gave that lovely comparison and took full advantage of my lack of voice to tease me. Boys never grow up.


  1. Hahahah I love that Ariel picture!

    1. Because you know if The Little Mermaid wasn't geared towards little children that is totally what Ursula would have said!
